Thank you for your interest in Sime Darby Berhad’s Online Vendor Registration (OVR).
If you have questions or clarifications, please send your feedback and / or queries directly to the contact persons below based on the type of your query:
Type of Query:
Party to Contact: DXC - OVR Team
Step 1: Please call Toll Free Number as per table listed above (based on your respective countries) Step 2: Choose Language (1 for English / 2 for Bahasa Melayu) Step 3: Press ‘#’ twice or Wait for +/- 15 seconds (Please ignore ID Number requested by Operator Call) Step 4: Press 4 for Vendor Registration (OVR Helpdesk). Step 5: Choose Division (1 for Sime Darby Berhad)
DXC Technology – OVR Team Level 2, Menara Sime Darby Oasis Corporate Park Jalan PJU 1A/2, Ara Damansara 47301 Petaling Jaya Selangor
Please note that any sales pitch / product showcase / tender queries etc. should be forwarded directly to the end users of each division / company / operating unit of Sime Darby. Currently, all purchase orders are done manually and most tenders are by invite only. Contact details for each company can be found on our main website
Thank you for your attention and apologies for any inconvenience caused.